
Rosette Gault, Paperclay Art and Practice, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2013.
Rosette Gault, Paper Clay for Ceramic Sculptors, A Studio Companion, Clear Light, Seattle, 1993 (Third Edition, 2003).
Rosette Gault, Paper Clay, Ceramics Handbooks, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1998 (Second Edition, 2005).
Anne Lightwood, Working With Paperclay And Other Additives, Crowood Press, UK, 2000.
Magazine Articles:
See lots of magazine article references on Graham Hay’s website...see URL below. Here are a few that I have seen.
Baker, W.Lowell, Spraying Paper-Reinforced Clay. Ceramics Monthly, November, 1998 p. 46.
Fowler, Lorri Acott, Creative Process of Paperclay, Sculptural Pursuit, Vol. 4 No. 5. Winter 2005, p 42.
Gault, Rosette, Paper Clay – New Ways, Ceramics Technical, Issue 18?.
Gault, Rosette, Success with large Scale Paperclay Porcelain and Beyond, Ceramics Technical 2004, reproduced on Graham Hay’s website in the article links.
Gault, Rosette, Rules, Rules, What Rules?, Sculptural Freedom with Paper Clay, June/July/August 1996, p 77.
Gault, Rosette, Amazing Paperclay, Ceramics Monthly, June/July/August 1992, p 96.
Gault, Rosette, The Potential of Paper Clay, Ceramics Technical, Issue ?, 1994. reproduced on Graham Hay’s website in the article links.
Michaud, Joyce, Paperclay Sculpture with Ian Gregory, Clay Times, Sept/Oct 1999, p 11-13.
· Rosette Gault’s site:
· Graham Hay’s Site:
· Vicki Hardin’s Clay Art Web Guide:
· Jerry Bennett:
· Jerry Bennett’s blog about paper clay:
· Wikipedia article:
Laguna Clay supplier carries a line of commercial paperclay:
Buy cotton linter in sheets or bulk from Arnold Grummer’s ( or search for cotton linter.